PH Bird News > Batangas

Tropical Treats at Pueblo de Oro Malvar Townscape

Published: Friday, January 10, 2025 at 9:03:10 AM Philippine Standard Time

On January 10, 2025, birding enthusiast Martti Siponen embarked on a 1-hour and 34-minute walking tour around Pueblo de Oro Malvar Townscape in Batangas, Philippines. The observation yielded an impressive 23 species of birds, providing a glimpse into the diverse urban avifauna of the region.

Siponen's walkthrough of the town showcased a variety of birds adapted to urban environments. The Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) was the most abundant species, with eight individuals spotted during the observation. The Spotted Dove, Zebra Dove, and Gray-rumped Swiftlet were also common visitors to the area, with counts of three, one, and four, respectively.

The observer also spotted a mix of birds that can be found in more natural habitats, such as the Eastern Cattle-Egret, Collared Kingfisher, and Coppersmith Barbet. Raptors like the Eurasian Kestrel and swallows like the Barn Swallow added to the diversity of the list.

In addition to these species, Siponen recorded several birds typically associated with forests or woodlands, like the Black-naped Oriole, White-breasted Woodswallow, Brown Shrike, and Elegant Tit. The presence of these species suggests that the town's area still maintains some connections to the surrounding natural environment.

Other notable sightings included the Philippine Jungle Crow, Gray-backed Tailorbird, and Striated Grassbird. The Scaly-breasted Munia and Eurasian Tree Sparrow were abundant, with counts of nine and eight, respectively.

Overall, this observation highlights the importance of urban areas as habitat for various bird species. The Pueblo de Oro Malvar Townscape serves as an example of how urban planning and conservation efforts can be designed to coexist with local wildlife.

This report was generated by an AI language model using data sourced from eBird, an online database of bird distribution and abundance. Read more.