Birding Bonanza at Liptong Creek
On January 9, 2025, Chris Chafer embarked on a 3-hour birding adventure at Liptong Creek in Valencia, Negros Oriental, Philippines. The enthusiastic birder explored the surrounding farm, creek, and garden, logging an impressive 26 species of birds in just a short span of time.
The highlight of the trip was the variety of species spotted, showcasing the region's rich avifauna. Red Junglefowl, Zebra Doves, and White-eared Brown-Doves were among the common birds seen, while the likes of Philippine Serpent-Eagles, Collared Kingfishers, and Coppersmith Barbets added a touch of elegance to the sighting list.
Birds of the forest floor, such as Philippine Coucals and Black-naped Orioles, shared airspace with Swiftlets and Swifts, while the creek and nearby garden attracted an array of waders and perched birds. A flock of 12 Gray-rumped Swiftlets, 12 Asian Glossy Starlings, and 8 Visayan Bulbuls were just a few examples of the impressive aerial displays.
Among the endearing tiny birds spotted were the Philippine Hanging-Parrots, Pied Trillers, and Garden Sunbirds, which flitted about the garden, adding splashes of color to the visual feast. The crowning glory of the trip, however, was the array of species that could be seen in a single setting, including the Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, Black-belted Flowerpecker, and Pied Bushchat.
The observer, Chris Chafer, was thrilled with the experience, saying that the trip was an "absolute delight" with a "remarkable variety of species seen in such a short duration."