Birdwatching Delight at Tripa de Galina Creek
On a cloudy morning with a temperature of 26°C and low tide, bird enthusiast EDP Liuag embarked on a 25-minute birding trip to Tripa de Galina Creek in Bangkal, Makati City. The National Capital Region (Manila) proved to be a haven for birdwatchers, with a total of 10 species spotted during the excursion.
The trip began with a sighting of the Ameline Swiftlet, followed by a multitude of Whiskered Terns, numbering 30 individuals. The tranquil atmosphere of the creek was disrupted by the presence of two Little Egrets, their elegant white plumage contrasting with the surrounding foliage. The diverse avifauna was further highlighted by the appearance of the Golden-bellied Gerygone, Brown Shrike, Pacific Swallow, and Red-keeled Flowerpecker.
The creek's vegetation was also home to the Yellow-vented Bulbul, with six individuals spotted during the trip. The Eurasian Tree Sparrow and Gray Wagtail rounded out the species count, with six and one sightings, respectively.
While the participants enjoyed the cloudy weather and low tide, their focus remained on the fascinating array of birds that inhabit the Tripa de Galina Creek ecosystem. The trip served as a reminder of the importance of preserving habitats like this one, which provide a haven for such a diverse range of avifauna.