PH Bird News > Masbate

A Rare Birding Day in Bongsalay Natural Park

Published: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 1:01:46 PM Philippine Standard Time

On January 8, 2025, a group of 10 bird enthusiasts spent three and a half hours exploring the Bongsalay Natural Park on Ticao Island, Masbate, Philippines. The outing was led by Justine Albao, and yielded an impressive 21 species count.

The team's attention was immediately drawn to the wetlands area, where they spotted 30 Wandering Whistling-Ducks, a common species in the region. However, the diversity of the park's avifauna was soon evident, with the group counting 3 Philippine Collared-Doves, 1 Spotted Dove, and 3 Asian Emerald Doves.

Among the woodlands, the birdsong betrayed the presence of several species, including the Philippine Coucal, Asian Koel, and Barred Rail. A particularly sought-after sighting was the Collared Kingfisher, with 6 individuals recorded during the day. The group also encountered 4 Golden-bellied Gerygones, 2 Pied Trillers, and 3 White-breasted Woodswallows.

The mangrove forests played host to a variety of species as well, including 3 Little Egrets, 1 Striated Heron, and a surprise appearance by the Philippine Pied-Fantail. A flock of 30 Lowland White-eyes, flying between the mangroves, was a notable sight.

The only raptors of the day were the Little Egrets, but the group did spot a single Philippine Jungle Crow and 4 Visayan Tailorbirds, which were heard rather than seen. The birding party also encountered 2 Visayan Bulbuls and 4 Yellow-vented Bulbuls, as well as 3 Garden Sunbirds.

Overall, the day was marked by an impressive diversity of species, with a mix of common and less common birds in the Bongsalay Natural Park. The group's efforts were rewarded with a rich and exciting experience amidst the park's lush vegetation.

This report was generated by an AI language model using data sourced from eBird, an online database of bird distribution and abundance. Read more.