PH Bird News > Batanes

Birding Bonanza in Sabtang, Batanes: Streaked Shearwater Sighting

Published: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 9:03:05 AM Philippine Standard Time

A lone birder, Dennix Cantor, ventured out on January 8, 2025, to explore the coastal areas of Sabtang, Batanes, Philippines. The short but eventful birding trip lasted only two minutes, covering a distance of approximately 0.29 miles. Despite the brevity of the excursion, Cantor's patience and keen eyes were rewarded with a single species of bird: the Streaked Shearwater (Ardenna stormi) (Protonotaerius stormii).

This coastal bird, characterized by its sleek, dark gray plumage and white underwing patches, is a frequent visitor to the Batanes Islands. According to Cantor, the Streaked Shearwater was seen flying low over the water, its distinctive calls echoing through the air. The rarity of this sighting, especially during the winter months, made it an exciting find for this intrepid birder.

Cantor's brief but rewarding birding trip serves as a testament to the region's rich avifauna and the importance of protecting these ecosystems. The Batanes Islands, with their rugged landscape and diverse marine life, provide a haven for various bird species, including the Streaked Shearwater.

This report was generated by a large language model using data sourced from eBird, an online database of bird distribution and abundance. Read more.