PH Bird News > Agusan del Norte

A Morning Serenade of Philippine Birds

Published: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 8:03:36 AM Philippine Standard Time

On January 8, 2025, Ana Gabrielle Alcantara embarked on a birding trip around the Balanghai Hotel and Convention Center in Butuan, Agusan del Norte, Philippines. Her 49-minute excursion yielded an impressive 11 species of birds, showcasing the diversity of avifauna in the region.

The morning started with a common sight in the Philippines - the Zebra Dove (Geopelia stricklanti), with four individuals spotted. This sedentary species is a familiar sound in urban and rural areas alike. Next, the Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus) caught her attention, with three birds flitting about. These iridescent birds are a favorite among bird enthusiasts, known for their acrobatic flight and striking colors.

The urban environment also hosted the Collared Kingfisher (Lagalbula collaris), with two birds perched on a nearby tree. Their distinctive calls echoed through the morning air, announcing their presence. The Coppersmith Barbet (Megalaima haemacephala) and Golden-bellied Gerygone (Gerygone sulphurea) joined the chorus, with two species of each spotted during the trip.

The first single sighting of the day was the Pied Triller (Lalage nana), which Ana Gabrielle notes as a treat to spot. Following this, the Philippine Pied-Fantail (Pitta anglicana) made an appearance, with three birds flitting about the underbrush. Their distinctive fan-shaped tails and striking plumage made for an unforgettable sight.

Other notable species included the Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier), with four birds sighted, and the Asian Glossy Starling (Aplonis panayensis), which descended upon the area in large numbers, with 15 birds counted. The Garden Sunbird (Nectarinia asiatica) added a splash of color, while the Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) brought the total count to 11 species.

This report highlights the diverse range of bird species that can be found in urban areas of the Philippines, showcasing the potential for birding in even the most unexpected places.

This report was generated by an AI language model using data sourced from eBird, an online database of bird distribution and abundance. Read more.