PH Bird News > Negros Occidental

Morning Birding Delight in Lag-asan, Bago City

Published: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 8:03:36 AM Philippine Standard Time

On January 8, 2025, David Morrison embarked on a 30-minute birding trip in Lag-asan, Bago City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. The morning expedition, accompanied by Morrison's dogs, saw 16 species of birds amidst an overcast sky and impending rain.

The observation list included a mix of common and infrequent visitors to the area. A total of 10 Eastern Cattle-Egrets were spotted, along with a solitary Medium Egret, indicating a healthy population of these wading birds in the region.

Medium-sized birds like the Striated Grassbird and Philippine Pied-Fantail made appearances, while the skies were dotted with Swiftlets (Gray-rumped Swiftlet), Swallows (Pacific Swallow), and Kingfishers (Collared Kingfisher).

The garden and open areas were bustling with activity, with a variety of birds flocking to these spaces. The Asian Glossy Starling, Pied Bushchat, Garden Sunbird, and Chestnut Munia all made their presence known, while the Eurasian Tree Sparrow dominated the list with an impressive 80 sightings.

A few more unusual sightings included the Eastern Yellow Wagtail and Paddyfield Pipit, adding to the trip's excitement. The observation also included a single Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) and two unidentified pigeons/doves, providing a glimpse into the area's diverse avifauna.

The morning excursion was marked by a sense of tranquility, with the rain approaching and the calm atmosphere permitting an intimate connection with nature.

This report was generated by an AI language model using data sourced from eBird, an online database of bird distribution and abundance. Read more.