Birding Delights in Taviran, Maguindanao: A Sunny Afternoon of Feathers and Friends
On a warm January afternoon, a solo birder ventured out to Taviran, Maguindanao, and was rewarded with an exciting encounter with over a dozen bird species. Datulabi Jr. Untong spent 10 minutes observing the local avifauna in this picturesque location, and his findings are a treat for bird enthusiasts.
The observation started with the distinctive calls of the Plaintive Cuckoo and the Whiskered Tern, with two birds of the latter species flying overhead. The observer's patience was rewarded with a sighting of the Eastern Cattle-Egret, with five birds pecking around the area. The group also spotted several birds flitting about, including the Philippine Pied-Fantail and the Clamorous Reed Warbler.
The most notable sighting, however, was the large flock of unidentified swallows, numbering a staggering 20 birds. These agile creatures were a joy to watch as they darted about, their iridescent feathers glinting in the sunlight.
Other birds seen during the observation period included the Yellow-vented Bulbul, Asian Glossy Starling, Coleto, and Red-keeled Flowerpecker. The observer even caught a glimpse of the Zebra Dove, a striking bird with its black and white stripes.
The Philippine Jungle Crow and the Yellow-vented Bulbul (Philippine subspecies) were also seen, along with an Asian Glossy Starling.