River Beans Resto Hotspot Supports Diverse Bird Life
A morning birding trip to River Beans Resto, Andulauan, Ilog, Negros Occidental, Philippines, on January 7, 2025, yielded a total of four bird species. The observation session, led by participant David Morrison, lasted for eight minutes and was carried out from a stationary location.
The most abundant species spotted was the Barn Swallow, with an impressive count of 22 individuals. The Asian Glossy Starling followed closely, with four sightings. The Eurasian Tree Sparrow was seen in small numbers, with eight individuals recorded. Rounding out the list was the Barred Rail, with a count of two.
Participant David Morrison was on the spot early, waiting for the boat to arrive, but the delay proved to be a blessing in disguise, allowing for a productive and enjoyable birding experience.
The combination of species observed at this location highlights the value of River Beans Resto as a hotspot for birdwatching and conservation efforts in the region.