PH Bird News > National Capital Region (Manila)

Birding Adventure in Tripa de Galina Creek Reveals Diverse Avian Community

Published: Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 8:01:59 AM Philippine Standard Time

On January 7, 2025, bird enthusiast EDP Liuag embarked on a thrilling birding trip to Tripa de Galina Creek in Bangkal, Makati City. The 1-hour stationary observation effort yielded an impressive 11 species of birds, providing a glimpse into the rich avian community thriving in this urban area.

The excursion began with a sighting of the humble Zebra Dove, a common resident in urban environments. The team then spotted a large flock of Whiskered Terns, numbering 25 individuals, which is an impressive sighting considering the species' migratory habits.

Other notable birds seen during the trip include the Black-crowned Night Heron, Little Egret, and Golden-bellied Gerygone, all indicative of the creek's importance as a habitat for waterbirds and songbirds. The Brown Shrike and Pacific Swallow made appearances, showcasing the area's ability to support a diverse range of bird species.

The team also spotted the Yellow-vented Bulbul and Asian Glossy Starling, which are both common urban visitors. The Red-keeled Flowerpecker, a species typically found in forested areas, was a delightful surprise, and the Eurasian Tree Sparrow, with its large flock of six individuals, was a reminder of its adaptability to urban environments.

The weather conditions on the day were cloudy with a temperature of 24°C, and the receding tide provided a unique opportunity to observe the birds in their natural habitat.

EDP Liuag's enthusiastic participation and dedication to birding have contributed significantly to our understanding of the avian community in Tripa de Galina Creek. This trip highlights the importance of urban birding and the need to protect these habitats for the well-being of birds and humans alike.

This report was generated by an AI language model using data sourced from eBird, an online database of bird distribution and abundance. Read more.